— Techno Believe
It is very important to have knowledge that what a ‘brand’ is and how to create one. According to Wikipedia, A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.
A brand represents the face of the company and is it’s the most important value. When a company decides to create a brand for itself, it must first determine it’s brand identity. Brand Identity is nothing but how you want it to be viewed. The goal is to make it appealing in the eyes of users which also gets emotionally attached.
Appealing, Unique & Memorable Brand
Creating Brand Identity and Awareness
Trust, Business Value, New Customers, and Recognition in market
Creating your Brand Identity
Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand, such as color, design, and logo, that identify and distinguish the brand in consumers’ minds.
Building a good Brand Image can bring in regular customers to your brand that can stay attached to your product or services for a long time.
Brand Recognization increases by color
Consumers cite shared values as the primary reason they have a relationship with a brand.
Consumers expect brands to know them and help them discover new products or services that fit their needs.
— The Challenge
Challenge & Solution
A brand is a living identity of your company. It lives in the mind and emotions of its users. That is why to keep it living forever in the heart and mind of customers, you need to build an identity that has its unique style and conveys your brand message.
So what’s the challenge in it?
It’s not an easy task to build a brand first and then to keep its maintenance so that it evolves with time. The brand needs to first clearly define what audience it is targeting.
Poorly defined core brand values can make a very wrong image of your brand in eyes of its users. Also, maintain a good service for your customers needs a proper strategy so that it can run in the long run and compete with leading companies in the same niche.

How what’s the Solution?
Branding can be divided into 3 sections:
- Brand Strategy
- Brand Identity
- Brand Marketing
To understand brand strategy, think of it like this – Brand strategy is a blueprint of how you want your brand to reflect it’s an image to the world.
Brand Strategy is a very important foundation pillar for building a strong and successful brand. This is generally the part that most companies and startups fail to consider and they simply jump to marketing. Without the proper blueprint with step to step tasks, you cannot take your brand to the top completion.
In the Brand Identity, we think of a brand as a human. We give traits to it like it’s a unique style, color combination, a slogan for your brand, and take care of how exactly it should portray in the eyes of your users.
The elements of the brand identity should be applied to all the channels consistently, whether those are social media platforms or advertising platforms. It is the way that your business can become recognizable in the market.
In Brand Marketing companies spread awareness of their products or services by sharing the values and highlighting the features of them in unique ways. This can be done by following ways –
- Website
- Search Engine Optimization and Content Marketing
- Google and Bing Ads
- Social Media marketing
- Email Marketing